Future Projection
In future society is going to establish Guru Gorakshnath Institute of Medical Sciences with all modern facilities in the field of holistic health care and education.
- Establish a Centre of Medical and Nursing Education of Excellence up to PG level.
- Research and Development in the direction of solving endemic health problems of the community.
- To provide Outdoor / Indoor Services to the patient, round the clock emergency and maternity services with all basic and supportive specialties. These services at reduced rate and in certain cases it will be free to the poor, and under privileged.
- To act as a referral medical institution for direct/first level contact for patients and also as a tertiary level referral centre for cases from other hospitals and health centers from these regions.
- Collaboration with National and International Institutions / Organizations in the field of medical and nursing education and care.
- Contribution and participation in the National Health Programs.
- The new Medical Institute projected in future with aims and objective are as follows:-
- To conduct recognized courses of M.B.B.S. B.D.S., Pharmacy, Ayurved, Nursing and other, Paramedical degree and diploma courses to promote Health care Education.
- To arrange equipments and other facilities for Research laboratory, to run Post Graduate Diploma, Degree courses like MD., M.S. and along with higher specialized courses like D.M., Mch. DNB & so on.
- To provide and upgrade the existing Hospital of modern medicine, Ayurvedic Medical System and Yoga / Naturopathy.
- Main objective of the organization is to provide Medical consultation and services to General Public.
- To establish and conduct Health Services at Health Centers in the remote localities of the region.
- To acquaints the general public regarding health problems and remedies by organizing special medical camps, health educations and seminars.
- Research and health awareness to prevent infectious diseases caused by various micro-organisms.
- All out effort to keep population healthy and free from diseases.