General Information

Removal From institution

The Governing body of the college of nursing reserves the right to rusticate the trainee from the college on the recommendation from the principal (Discipline Committee) for the following reasons:-
  • Failure to execute an agreement by parents/guardians of the trainee within 15 days of the date of admission.
  • Failure to come up to the prescribed standards, unsatisfactory conduct or behavior, Participation in any political/antisocial demonstration, being involved or having been involve in the past in a criminal case.
  • Indulging in any activity derogatory to the college.
  • Trainees will be liable to immediate rustication by the principal on approval by management or in opinion if, the trainees behave in a manner subversive of discipline or any other offence.

Identity Card

Identity card is must for every trainee as she may be asked to show on demand. It is mandatory to carry the ID card during the clinical training, community postings, field visits, affiliated hospital duty, etc.


  • The percentage of attendance will be followed as per the instruction of Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi, State Nursing Council, Lucknow, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur and the college policy.
  • It is mandatory to maintain 100% of attendance (irrespective of the kind of absence) in each of the practical areas before award of degree.
  • The candidate must have minimum of 80% of the attendance (irrespective of the kind of absence) in theory and practical in each of the subject for appearing for final examination.

Leave & Vacation

Trainees can avail 8 weeks of vacation including preparatory holidays and 3 weeks of Gazetted holidays which are granted by the authority. Any kind of leave is admissible only with the permission of principal, but this will not be taken into account for relaxation in the requirement, it can be compensated and need to be maintain the required attendance.


Trainees will have to strictly abide by the rules and regulations of the college and the hostel, parent hospital and affiliated hospitals as enforced from time to time. Any violation will be strictly dealt with. The Governing body members reserve the right to rusticate trainee if found indulging in acts prejudice to the interest of the college.


In case of any dispute, decision of the Governing body will have the final authority.

Admission procedure

  • The application form need to be filled online through the website
  • The candidate must complete all the steps in the application form as per the instruction provided in the application.
  • After conformation the “Confirmation page of Application form” with the copy of self attested listed Testimonials need to be send to “The Principal, Guru Shri Gorakshnath SCollege of Nursing, Gorakhnath Mandir Parisar, Gorakhpur – 273015, U.P. on or before the last date either through post or by hand at college office during working days.

Selection Criteria for Admission

  • Candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria of Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi, State Nursing Council, Lucknow and Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur are eligible for the entrance exam conducted by Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University and Guru Shri Gorakshnath College of Nursing.
  • Admission will be carried out on the basis of exclusively merit, entrance exam and interview.

Note:- Selected candidates will have to take admission within five days after declaration of results otherwise their seat will be allotted to the waiting list candidate.